Holy Family Santa Fe

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This Week at Holy Family

MAUNDY THURSDAYMarch 28, 6 p.m. Our service will include foot washing, the Holy Eucharist and the stripping of the altar. 

STATIONS OF THE CROSS Good Friday, March 29, noon. We will sing “Were You There?” and consume the rest of the Reserved Sacrament before Easter.

CONFESSIONS Good Friday, 1-3 p.m., private confessions will be heard. 

HOLY SATURDAY ALTAR GUILD BREAKFAST & PREPARING THE CHURCH FOR EASTER March 30, 9 a.m.-noon. We are still in need of one more Altar Guild team. We need two people to take one Sunday a month. Training will be provided. Talk with Pastor Corinne or Mother Penni. 

SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION: EASTER March 31, 10:30 a.m. Thank you Neel and Kay Storr for hosting hospitality hour!

MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE! Bring a handbell from home to our Easter Sunday service and “Make a joyful noise to the Lord” (Ps 98:6). Bells are a sign of joy for the end of Lent and the new life of the Resurrection. On Easter Sunday, we invite you to express your joy by ringing bells during the Gloria, when singing the Alleluia before and after the Gospel, and at the dismissal Alleluias. 

UTO MITE BOXES Please bring collections to church by April 7. Thank you! 

BIBLICAL SCHOLARS will resume April 10 with a unit on the Sermon on the Mount. The group meets Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m. Email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com for Zoom information.

PRAYER SQUARES meets second and fourth Tuesdays in hybrid zoom/in-person. Email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com.

RED SKY READERS’ next book will be "I Shall Not Hate" by I. Abuelaish, a doctor in Gaza. Mother Penni will lead the discussion beginning April 7. For the Zoom link email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com

PRAYERS for Linda, Patti, Tim, Pete, Jenny, Zenobia, Nolan, Amy, Brittney, Marinda, Lucy, Gordon, Kevin, Allie, Fred, Chloe, Ellie, Melanie, David, Elizabeth, Scott, Brian, Mike, Paul, Andrew, Carol, Peggy, Julian, Lesley, Gloria, Uriel, Patricio, JJ, Maggie, Joan, Kristi, Charmaine, Maria, Jerome, Kristina, Olivia, the Duran and Durham families. For the repose of the soul of Nex. To add/remove names, email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com.

Many thanks to readers Katherine Rowe and Erin Caldwell Johnson, altar server Charles Chambers, greeter Nate Cagle, livestreamer Mike Hodges and Altar Guild members Kris Deike and Pat Oliver-Wright. We are especially grateful to Neel and Kay Storr for hosting the reception following worship.