Holy Family Santa Fe

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This Week at Holy Family

DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME is next weekend. Don’t forget to set your clocks ahead one hour Saturday night, March 9 so you don’t miss church!

HEALING of spirit, mind and body is offered after worship this Sunday. Please remain in the sanctuary for this sacramental rite.

CONFIRMATION CLASSES Are you interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church? Would you like to know about Confirmation and what it is all about? The Diocesan Confirmation Class led by Bishop Hunn is set to begin on Thursday, March 14 at 6 pm (MDT). There are four sessions this spring including three other dates: Tuesday, March 19, Thursday, April 11, Wednesday, April 17. All classes are held via Zoom. For more information, send an email to holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com or talk with Pastor Corinne or Mother Penni.

SUNDAY SNACKS Thank you to those of you who generously stepped up to serve as hosts for hospitality hour. If you can help, there are still openings. This is another opportunity to serve and provide hospitality. It need not be anything elaborate, A few dozen cookies will do. See the signup on the bulletin board.

FOOD DEPOT Our monthly service day is Wednesday, March 13 from 9-11:30 a.m. Please sign up at the front table. We still need one or two more people.

EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS To contribute to the Easter flowers, please donate online, by cash or check and write “Easter flowers” in the memo line. If your donation is given in memory or gratitude for someone or something, please include a printed note (available on the front table) with the words to be included in the Easter insert. All donations must be received by March 24. Thank you!

THE HOLIEST WEEK OF THE YEAR Join us as we make our annual Holy Week pilgrimage:

PALM SUNDAY, March 2410:30 a.m., join us for the Palm Procession, followed by our regular Sunday liturgy. We will meet in front of the church, weather permitting. This final Sunday of Lent, we focus on the “Passion” of our Lord, the spiritual, emotional, and physical sufferings he endured the last week of his earthly life. We will need several readers to speak various parts of the Passion. You can sign up and pick up your part Sunday, March 17 at the front table.

MAUNDY THURSDAYMarch 28, 6 p.m. The name “Maundy” derives from mandatum novum, Latin for “new commandment.” On this night Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and instituted the sacrament of Holy Communion at the Last Supper. Our service will include foot washing and the Holy Eucharist, as well as the stripping of the altar. 


STATIONS OF THE CROSS Good Friday, March 29, noon. The Day of the Crucifixion. In observance of this most sacred day, we ask that all who enter and exit the church do so in silence. We will have Stations of the Cross in the sanctuary. We will sing “Were You There?” and consume the rest of the Reserved Sacrament before Easter.

CONFESSIONS Good Friday, 1-3 p.m., private confessions will be heard in the sanctuary. 

Why confess privately? What good will it do? Author Brendan Manning shares the following story:

“When I was a little boy, I had the naive idea that when I went to confession, God was growing on me because I had been bad. As soon as I confessed my sins, God would begin to smile again. Somehow my confession implied a change in God. How absurd! My confession only implies a change in me!”

“Now I understand things differently. More like this: You and I are standing in the middle of a spotlight on the platform of a church; the rest of the church is in darkness, but we are in bright light. To me this scene is a good image of ragamuffins living in a state of grace. Now, suppose that you or I commit grave, deliberate sin. What happens? We step aside into shadows, but the light remains shining. God’s love never changes—we have simply chosen to step away from it. When we repent, we come back into the light of God’s love, which has always been there.”  

If you feel private confession will help you step back into the light of God’s love, please come to the church on Good Friday afternoon. You will be heard, not judged, prayed over and loved. If this day and time is not convenient for you, please talk to one of the clergy to set up a separate time.

HOLY SATURDAY ALTAR GUILD BREAKFAST & PREPARING THE CHURCH FOR EASTER March 30, 9 a.m.-noon. Help us make our sanctuary sparkle! We will polish brass and wood, change the altar linens to white, set up the flowers, etc. To kick off our morning, we will say grace and share breakfast. We will also have a quick review of altar setup and answer any questions. We are still in need of one more Altar Guild team. We need two people to take one Sunday a month. All the training will be provided. Talk with Pastor Corinne or Mother Penni. Come join us!

SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION: EASTER DAYMarch 31, 10:30 a.m. Jesus Christ is risen today! Today is the day for bright colors, Easter lilies and all things that celebrate new life. Many thanks to Neel and Kay Storr for hosting the reception following worship.

UNITED THANK OFFERING During Lent, we are using a new version of the Prayers of the People, provided by the UTO. Each year, we collect funds for the UTO in little blue mite boxes. UTO distributes 100% of these funds to innovative mission and ministry throughout the Episcopal Church and Provinces of the Anglican Communion. Check out UTO’s free Lenten resources at https://unitedthankoffering.com/lent/. Please bring all UTO donations to the church Easter Sunday, March 31 or April 7. Thank you!

RED SKY READERS is reading "The Handmaid's Tale" by Margaret Atwood. For the Zoom link email  holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com

BIBLICAL SCHOLARS is studying “Introduction to prophetic theology and the prophesy of Amos” Wednesdays from 7-8 p.m. Email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com for Zoom information.

PRAYER SQUARES meets second and fourth Tuesdays in hybrid zoom/in-person. Email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com.

PRAYERS for Pete, Zenobia, Nolan, Amy, Kevin, Allie, Fred, Chloe, Ellie, Melanie, David, Elizabeth, Scott, Brian, Mike, Paul, Andrew, Carol, Peggy, Julian, Lesley, Gloria, Heidi, Uriel, Patricio, JJ, Maggie, Joan, Kristi, Charmaine, Maria, Jerome, Kristina, Olivia, the Duran and Durham families. For the repose of the souls of Nex and Ronald. To add/remove names, email holyfamilysantafe@gmail.com.

Many thanks to our readers Candia Thew and Erin Caldwell Johnson, altar server Margo Sanabria, greeter Dan Donoghue, livestreamer Clare Hatfield and Altar Guild members Morag Smith and William Parkes.